We work to elect Democrats, strengthen the party, and improve it from within.
Why Join DCC
The Democratic Club of Claremont is the voice of the 11,500 registered Democrats in the city of Claremont. We work to elect Democrats, strengthen the party, and improve it from within. Together, we elect Democrats from up and down the ticket – from President of the United States to Claremont city council. We write endorsement questionnaires, interview candidates, issue endorsements, and support our endorsed candidates with door knocks, lit drops, phone calls, postcards, and more. We take positions on legislation, lobby our legislators in person, hold them accountable for their votes, and make them earn our support year after year. We discuss policy. We debate. We influence party decisions. We vote. We are active in our communities. We improve our community. We host events and build community among ourselves. We are the party’s grassroots.
Since 1953, we have been working to elect Democrats and support policies consistent with the ideals of the Democratic party. We meet the last Monday of every month for programs and discussions around policy priorities and candidates in local, state and national elections. Our meetings are social, and also provide an opportunity for learning and activism.
Become a member
Joining the Democratic Club of Claremont puts you in the room to vote on key policy priorities, candidate endorsements and events to support Democrat policies and candidates. We are an all volunteer organization, so 100% of your dues and donations provide direct support to the club.