Planned Giving to DCC
What is a planned gift?
| Why give?
| How to give?
Declaration of future support
A declaration of future support is a legally non-binding communication of your intent to make a planned gift to DCC. We would ask to see the bequest provision (which would be revocable and remain revocable until the time of your passing). You would complete the form below. Since we are a volunteer organization with limited capacity, we are unable to provide tax advice and we are only equipped to handle relatively uncomplicated bequests such as those mentioned above (no real estate, stock, or artwork, for example) without restrictions on or designations for their use.
You may download the form below here.
Planned Giving
Declaration of Future Support
Personal Information
Donor Name: ________________________________________ Date of birth: ____/____/____
Joint donor name: ____________________________________ Date of birth: ____/____/____
Address: ______________________________________ City: ______________ State: ____ Zip: ____
Phone: ____________________ ◻Mobile ◻Home ◻Business Email: ________________________
Gift Information
◻Bequest (will/trust) ◻Retirement account ◻Insurance policy
Does your gift benefit someone else (e.g., spouse or family member) before DCC? ◻Yes ◻ No
DOB of primary beneficiary: ____/____/____ DOB of secondary beneficiary: ____/____/____
This gift is created as a ◻Specific dollar amount ◻Percentage of estate ◻Remainder of estate
A good faith estimate of the current dollar value of this gift is: _____________________________
Additional details: _______________________________________________________________
Additional Information
◻Donors agree to provide DCC with a copy of the pages from their will or trust to confirm that the appropriate language has been inserted into these documents.
◻This is my first time alerting DCC of my intentions. ◻This updates a previously recorded declaration.
◻I/We wish to remain anonymous. Please do not make my name public as a donor of this gift.
Donor signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ____/____/____
Joint donor signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____/____/____
For instructions on returning this form, please first contact the DCC treasurer at